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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (10): 96-102.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20181011

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  • 出版日期:2018-10-25 发布日期:2018-10-25

Fine partition of hydraulic turbine operation zones based on online monitoring data

  • Online:2018-10-25 Published:2018-10-25

摘要: 运行分区对水电机组安全稳定性具有十分重要的意义。常规运行区划分一般基于部分水头和负荷工况下的稳定性试验,试验数据有限导致划分的运行区难以覆盖全部运行工况,相对粗略。文章提出一种基于机组在线监测数据、辅以稳定性试验分析的运行区精细划分方法。以某混流式机组为例,分析相关数据,以超标相对严重的尾水管压力脉动为依据,绘制机组水头-负荷伪彩色图,获取各压力脉动测点超标区域,而后按照涡带强度划分运行区。将精细划分方法与常规方法的超标区及划分结果进行对比分析,显示出前者在获取涡带区边界、识别涡带区范围、实现全水头划分等方面优于后者。

Abstract: Partition of operation zones is of great significance to the safety and stability of hydropower units. The conventional partition methods are generally based on stability tests under certain water heads and load conditions, but limited test data lead to a difficulty in the partition to cover all the practical operation cases and thus they are relatively rough methods. This paper presents a fine partition method based on online monitoring data and analysis of stability tests. In a case study of a Francis turbine with severe pressure fluctuations in its draft tube, we first draw head-load pseudo color maps of the unit using fluctuation data and obtain the zones of excessive pressure fluctuations for those measuring points exceeding the standard, and then partition the operation zones according to vortex intensity. Comparison of the areas of excessive fluctuations and the partition results with those of the conventional methods shows that our new fine partition method is superior in identifying the boundaries and ranges of draft tube vortex zones and achieving the partition of total water heads.

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