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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (10): 86-95.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20181010

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  • 出版日期:2018-10-25 发布日期:2018-10-25

Three-dimensional numerical simulations of the effects of slanting plates in vertical flow desilting tank

  • Online:2018-10-25 Published:2018-10-25

摘要: 在考虑加入斜板的条件下,对竖流式沉淀池进行数值模拟,分析斜板对竖流式沉淀池工作效率的影响,对沉淀池的结构优化及改善沉淀池的工作效率提供理论依据。选取Mixture模型和RNG k-??模型,构建有无斜板两种竖流式沉淀池并对其进行三维数值模拟,得到了沉淀池内部流态和悬浮物浓度分布等情况。在竖流式沉淀池内部由于漩涡的产生,湍动能增大,并带动污泥向上发展,加入斜板对竖流式沉淀池的结构进行优化后,斜板阻止了漩涡向上发展的趋势,对沉淀池的效率有较大影响。斜板竖流式沉淀池能有效避免入流初期异重流的发生,改善了竖流式沉淀池的内部流态;加入斜板后使沉淀面积增大,斜板阻挡了悬浮物向上流动,有效的提高了出口处水质;同时证明了对沉淀池进行合理的结构改变能改善沉淀池的工作效率。

Abstract: Numerical simulations of a vertical flow desilting tank are conducted to explore how to improve its flow and silt concentration conditions by installing a set of slanting plates. This paper focuses on an analysis of the effect of slanting plates on its working efficiency and lays a theoretical basis for optimizing its flow structure and desilting efficiency. A mixture model and RNG k-??model are adopted to numerically simulate the flows, and the flow patterns and silt concentration distribution are compared with those modified by the slanting plates. Generally, in the unmodified tanks exist vortices that increase the turbulent kinetic energy and cause an upward movement of the suspended silt. The slanting plates, via improving flow structure, can prevent the vortex zone from extending further upward and hence impose a great influence on desilting efficiency. Such a tank design can effectively avoid the occurrence of turbid water density current at initial water filling stage, so as to improve the overall flow patterns in the tank. Another benefit from adding these plates is a significant improvement on the water quality of the tank outflow as a result of an increase in the silt precipitating area, along with the upward silt transport blocked by them. Thus, this study offers evidences of better flow structure and higher working efficiency of the desilting tank with slanting plates.

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