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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (10): 39-47.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20181005

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  • 出版日期:2018-10-25 发布日期:2018-10-25

Universal model for joint optimization of flood control of reservoirs

  • Online:2018-10-25 Published:2018-10-25

摘要: 为提高流域水库群联合防洪能力,针对水库群与区间河道组成的流域防洪系统抽象了流域通用防洪系统的结构特征,建立了满足水库安全约束下以保障下游地区安全为目标的流域水库群联合防洪优化调度通用模型,分析了防洪控制点的来水组成特点及水库泄流量在防洪控制点的响应规律,并在此基础上设计了一种基于动态规划-逐步优化算法(DP-POA)嵌套算法的流域水库群联合防洪优化调度高效求解方法。以汉北河流域某场特大洪水为研究实例,计算结果显示经优化调度后各防洪控制点洪峰较常规调度下洪峰依次削减了24.32%、12.05%、9.34%,所提模型计算的水库群联合防洪优化调度过程体现了水库防洪的“预泄”策略与“错峰”策略,具有一定的应用参考价值。

Abstract: To enhance the joint flood control capability of reservoirs, this paper describes the basic structure of a universal reservoirs-river flood control system for river basin, and develops a universal model for jointly optimizing the flood control of reservoirs to ensure the safety of the reservoirs and lower reaches. We analyze the composition and reservoir outflows' response characteristics of the inflows at flood control points, and develop an effective calculation method for the joint optimization using a dynamic programming - progressive optimal algorithm (DP-POA) nesting algorithm. In a case study of a catastrophic flood occurred in the Hanbei River basin, the calculations show that through optimization, the flood peaks at three flood control points in the basin are reduced by 24.32%, 12.05% and 9.34%, respectively, relative to regular operation. The effective reduction is a fruit of the pre-discharge and staggered peak shift strategies adopted in the optimized joint operation of the reservoirs in this basin, thus demonstrating the usefulness of our universal model.

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