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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 79-86.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180109

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  • 出版日期:2018-01-25 发布日期:2018-01-25

Optimization tests of suspension beam array auxiliary energy dissipaters in low-head dam stilling basin

  • Online:2018-01-25 Published:2018-01-25

摘要: 用基于捆绑法的40组正交试验对消力池内悬栅辅助消能工的不同空间布置形式进行水力特性研究,提出同层相邻悬栅采用变距布置以及上下两层相邻悬栅采用倾斜布置的新型布置方式。试验结果表明:(1)同层悬栅采用变距布置能有效减小水位差同时保证消能率,相较等距布置水位差变化率平均提高12.15%;(2)上下相邻悬栅采用倾斜布置对于等距、变距布置均有利于减小水位差,其中前倾布置形式最优,对等距布置水位差变化率最大提高48.76%,变距布置最大提高10.71%,该试验中捆绑后的6组悬栅间距分别为8、8、8、12、12、4 cm的前倾布置形式为最优设计。

Abstract: A supplementary energy dissipater of suspension beam arrays in a low head stilling basin is examined in this study using an experiment of 40 orthogonal tests and a bundling method, focusing on its hydrodynamic characteristics under different beam arrangements including a new arrangement featured with a variable beam spacing and inclined beam installation between the upper and lower arrays. The results show that variation in beam spacing reduces water head or increases energy dissipation rate effectively, thereby leading to an increase of 12.15% in the in-basin water head variation relative to that of fixed spacing. And the inclined beam schemes generally help reduce water head in the cases of fixed and variable spacing, but forward inclination is better allowing the in-basin water head variation of possibly 48.76% and 10.71% larger in the two cases respectively. From the experiment, we obtained the optimal designs ? forward inclined beams of spacing 8, 8, 8, 12, 12 and 4 cm in six bundled tests respectively.

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