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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 70-78.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180108

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  • 出版日期:2018-01-25 发布日期:2018-01-25

Influence of typhoon moving directions on storm surges at Dongtou fishing port

  • Online:2018-01-25 Published:2018-01-25

摘要: 为研究不同台风过境方位对洞头渔港增水的影响,选取了4个不同过境方位历史台风,运用Delft3D模型模拟洞头岛及其周围6个测站的台风增水过程。经天文潮和测站实测数据验证,模型平均绝对误差小于15 cm。模拟结果显示,东面过境台风时洞头中心渔港处增水呈主次三峰型。南面过境台风增水最显著,呈标准单峰型。西面过境台风呈波动型增水,波动规律与天文潮接近,最大增水值出现在台风最近时前后。北面过境台风对渔港影响最小,亦呈天文潮波动型,每个天文高潮位可出现多个增水峰值,天文低潮会出现负增水。

Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of four historical typhoons moving in different directions to demonstrate the effects of typhoon moving direction on the storm surge at the Dongtou fishing port. We use Delft3D to simulate the storm surges around Dongtou Island and compare the calculated tidal levels with the field data observed at six nearby gauge stations, showing an average error less than 15 cm in the calculations of astronomical tides. The results show that a typhoon that passes by east generates a storm surge characterized by a primary peak (in the middle) and two secondary peaks (on both sides), while a southern typhoon often causes a storm surge of single peak type that is thus the strongest. For a western typhoon, the storm surge manifests a fluctuating increase that is featured with a trend close to that of an astronomical tide and a peak occurring at the time about the typhoon arrives the nearest location. A northern typhoon develops a similar fluctuating trend in the storm surge. However, it has little influence on the fishing port, though it could have multiple peaks in water rising at each astronomical climax and generate water falling at astronomical low tide.

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