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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 49-61.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180106

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  • 出版日期:2018-01-25 发布日期:2018-01-25

Statistics and classification of river patterns based on river resistance law

  • Online:2018-01-25 Published:2018-01-25

摘要: 将沿程水头损失公式向天然河流推广,利用坡降、流量、流速、泥沙粒径、河流形态等一系列河相关系参数,通过资料分析、数据拟合等技术手段,得到了河流阻力规律的表达形式。将河型参数作为分类指标,反演河流阻力规律表达形式,建立了一种物理概念明确、表达简单的河型分类方法。用两条阈值曲线将整个河流系统分成单流路型、稳定多流路型、不稳定多流路型这三大类型。通过研究发现,河型分类系统中单流路型河道对河岸强度相当敏感,而多流路型河道并不直接受河岸强度影响,尤其是大宽深比的情况。在外部扰动影响下,河流类型可以发生短暂的变化,如弯曲型河道出现游荡特征,但其最终能够回到原始平衡状态类型。

Abstract: We apply the friction loss equation to natural rivers in this paper. Using effective methods such as data analysis and data fitting, an analytical form of river resistance is obtained based on hydraulic geometries including slope, discharge, flow velocity, grain size, river shape parameter and so on. Through inversion of this river resistance law, the river shape parameter can be used as a discrimination criterion and two simple river pattern discrimination threshold curves with clear physical meanings can be constructed. The two curves divide the river systems into three main patterns: single-thread, stable multi-thread, and unstable multi-thread channels. Analysis reveals that in this method, a single-thread channel is sensitive to bank strength, but it is not true for a braided channel river, particularly those with an overlarge width-depth ratio. The pattern of a river can vary in a short period following an external disturbance as often does a meandering river with transient braided channels, but it could eventually return to the dynamic equilibrium state.

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