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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 40-48.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180105

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  • 出版日期:2018-01-25 发布日期:2018-01-25

Influence of vertical coordinate systems on temperature-stratified flow simulation

  • Online:2018-01-25 Published:2018-01-25

摘要: 随着高坝水库的建设和高性能计算机的出现,以往应用于大洋的三维模型正越来越多的应用于水库分层流动的模拟中。作为三维模型的建立基础,垂向坐标系对于小尺度区域模拟精度的影响研究目前尚不多见。基于物理水槽分层流动实验结果,评估了最常用的笛卡儿z坐标系和σ地形坐标系对于流场和温度场的模拟精度影响。结果显示两种垂直坐标系均适用于分层流模拟,但σ垂直坐标系模型模拟结果精度更高;与σ坐标系相比较,z坐标系由于底部阶梯水体静力不稳定和虚拟漩涡放大了垂向扩散能力,使得速度以及温度分层强度偏小;水平速度场显示,z坐标系对于底部的阶梯化处理会引起底部速度场的失真,等温线也呈相应的阶梯型变化趋势。

Abstract: With the construction of high dam reservoirs and the appearance of high performance computers, increasingly more 3D models are used in the simulations of stratified flows in reservoirs. Influence of the vertical coordinate system on the accuracy in the simulations of small scale regions is essential to 3D modeling, but there are few previous studies on it. Based on the results of a stratified flow experiment, this study focuses on evaluation of the effects of the most commonly used Cartesian z coordinate system and the σ coordinate system on the accuracy in flow and temperature simulations. It is concluded that both systems are applicable but with different accuracy and the σ coordinate is better. Static instability and extra vortices caused by bottom step in the z coordinate exaggerate vertical diffusivity and lead to weaker velocity and vertical temperature stratification than those in the σ coordinate. Distribution of horizontal velocity shows small scale circulations near the bottom that are caused by a spurious water falling process produced numerically in the z coordinate modeling. The isothermals also show a stair-stepping trend in the z coordinate system.

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