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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 31-39.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180104

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  • 出版日期:2018-01-25 发布日期:2018-01-25

Joint effect of pollution source interception and ecological water replenishment in Qinhuai River Basin

  • Online:2018-01-25 Published:2018-01-25

摘要: 随着中国的城市化进程加快,大型城市的人口急剧增长,城市的废污水排放量也随之急速增长,导致地表水不达标。基于地表水水质达标的需求,在近期,通过直排污水小部分截污与生态补水联合措施,对地表水水质进行预测;在远期,通过直排污水大部分截污,对地表水水质进行预测。以秦淮河流域南京市为例,通过野外水文水质调查,提出多种方案,结合水环境数学模型进行计算,预测结果表明:在近期(2017—2020年),通过排水达标区建设使得35%直排污水接入污水处理系统,并结合分汊河道秦淮新河调水30 m3/s使得地表水水质达标;在远期(2020—2025年),通过深化排水达标区建设及污水处理厂的特别限值(Ⅳ类)排放使得80%直排污水接入污水处理系统,从而实现地表水水质达标。提出部分污水截污与生态补水联合措施适用于分汊河道的方法,补充了研究地表水水质提升方案的多样性,对大型城市所在流域水质达标起到指导作用。

Abstract: As China's urbanization accelerates, the population of large cities is growing rapidly. Urban waste water discharge is also increasing, resulting in surface water quality falling below the standards. This paper presents a prediction of surface water quality that is improved using combined measures ? a near-future measure of intercepting a small portion of the sewage for treatment and replenishing a certain amount of ecological water and a long-term measure of intercepting most of the sewage for treatment ? based on the requirements by the surface water quality standards. We examine different schemes in a case study of the Qinhuai River basin using the field survey data of water quality and a water quality mathematical model. The results show that in the near future (2017-2020), the surface water quality standards can be met through certain construction in this drainage area, intercepting 35% of the sewage for treatment, and replenishing ecological water of 30 m3/s to the new Qinhuai River branch. And in the long term (2020-2025), apart from continuing the construction, the sewage treatment should reach Class IV and 80% of the sewage should be treated. Our joint method of sewage interception and ecological replenishment to braided river channels provides a new measure for improving surface water quality in the river basins where large cities are located.

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