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水力发电学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 11-20.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20180102

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  • 出版日期:2018-01-25 发布日期:2018-01-25

Comparison of mechanical characteristics of submerged plane steel gates with different layouts

  • Online:2018-01-25 Published:2018-01-25

摘要: 水利水电工程中平面钢闸门可布置成正向挡水或反向挡水的形式。为精确分析高水头下两种不同闸门挡水布置形式对结构受力特性的影响,采用有限元子模型法对闸门局部关键区域进行精细模拟和非线性接触分析。对比研究了正、反向挡水时闸门不同主梁截面形式的应力水平及其分布,并进一步总结了结构的受力特点和力的接触传递状态。结果表明正向挡水闸门面板与梁格接触传力并联合受力,其承载能力不受连接焊缝的强度限制;反向挡水闸门尤其当箱形主梁设较宽的前翼缘板时,由于水压作用前翼缘与面板张开,面板顺水流方向变形相比正向挡水时增加了1倍,连接焊缝截面受拉并出现应力集中现象,相比正向挡水时焊缝最大应力提高约3倍,且从连接焊缝受力来看两种挡水布置下工字形或∏形截面均要优于箱形截面主梁,建议规范中应予以明确。

Abstract: Submerged plane steel gates in water resources and hydropower projects take the form of forward or reverse water retaining. To accurately analyze the difference of these two forms in the mechanical characteristics of the gate under high water head, a sub-modeling method is used to simulate the critical parts incorporating nonlinear contact interaction, and a comparison of the stress response using different section forms of main girder is provided. Results show that in the forward form, the gate panel is in contact with the grillage and the bearing capacity is not limited by the strength of the weld, while in the reverse case, water pressure makes the gate panel depart from the flange, especially for the case with a box girder and wide flange. This causes the deformation in the panel to double that of the forward form and a stress concentration to occur on the cross section of connection weld. In sum, an I-shaped or Π-shaped section of the main girder is better than the box section and this should be specified in the specification.

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