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水力发电学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (12): 78-86.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20171209

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  • 出版日期:2017-12-25 发布日期:2017-12-25

Analysis of settlement deformation in high core rock-fill dams considering real-time construction quality factors

  • Online:2017-12-25 Published:2017-12-25

摘要: 现有将高心墙堆石坝沉降分析统计模型分为填筑因素、时效因素与水压因素的研究通常将坝体同一分区视为均质体,缺乏考虑大坝碾压施工质量差异导致填筑体非均质性对沉降变形影响的研究,因此从高心墙堆石坝填筑体受力变形分析出发,分析了考虑实时施工质量因素影响的填筑因素和时效因素,并结合水压因素,建立考虑实时施工质量因素的高心墙堆石坝沉降变形分析模型。针对高心墙堆石坝沉降变形过程的动态性,将该多参数非线性模型与M5’模型树相结合,利用M5’模型树解决全局非线性问题的优势,结合粒子群算法求解多参数问题速度快、收敛快的优点,实现对高心墙堆石坝沉降过程的拟合与预测,并与未考虑实时施工质量因素的传统分析模型以及多元线性回归分析模型进行对比。分析结果表明,考虑实时施工质量因素的高心墙堆石坝沉降变形分析模型的绝对差值与误差平方和均最小,而各模型关联度差异较小,模型综合指标最优。考虑实时施工质量因素的高心墙堆石坝沉降变形分析为客观分析大坝沉降提供了可靠的途径。

Abstract: Previous studies usually divide a statistical analysis model of the settlement in high core rock-fill dams into filling factors, aging factors, and water pressure factors, taking a dam block as a homogeneous body. Such a simplification ignores the influence of nonuniformity in settlement deformation caused by the differences in construction quality. This study develops a settlement deformation analysis model for the dams of this type to take into account the real-time construction quality factors together with the factors of filling, aging and water pressure, based on an analysis of stress and deformation in the filling body. This multi-parameter nonlinear model is combined with a M5’ model tree in simulation of the dynamics of settlement deformation. It combines the advantage of such a tree in solving global nonlinear problems and the fast convergence of a particle swarm optimization algorithm in solving multi-parameter problems, and thus it is able to fit and predict the settlement process. We compare it with a traditional analysis model excluding construction quality factors and a multiple linear regression analysis model. Results show that this new model is the best in terms of absolute errors and square sum errors in calculation of the settlement deformation and comprehensive index but its correlation degree remains as low as those of the other two models. This study suggests that modeling the real-time construction quality factors provides more reliable and objective analysis on the settlement deformation of high core rock-fill dams.

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