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水力发电学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (12): 69-77.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20171208

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  • 出版日期:2017-12-25 发布日期:2017-12-25

Static behaviors of sea-crossing shield tunnel lining under high hydraulic pressure

  • Online:2017-12-25 Published:2017-12-25

摘要: 湛江湾隧道作为国内代表性的跨海盾构隧道工程,具有高水压、长距离和海水环境下确保管片耐久性等技术难点。本文介绍了湛江湾跨海隧道衬砌结构优化设计方案,通过对监测资料的分析,研究了高水压作用下隧道管片及环向钢筋的受力特性,基于三维精细有限元模型揭示了整环管片在外水压力、土层侧压力系数影响下的受力及变形规律。研究表明:(1)管片环内、外侧钢筋应力变化在监测全程经历了四个阶段,自管片拼装结束后的初始阶段钢筋应力波动较为明显。(2)实测与数值结果均表明高外水压作用下管片环受力以“整体受压”为主。(3)管片环结构变形量与外水压力呈线性关系,且受到土层侧压力系数的影响。随着外水压增大,管片环变形模式由“横椭圆”发展成“整体向内压缩”。(4)坚硬土层中外水压力的提升将减缓管片环整体“横椭圆”变形趋势;软弱土层中外水压力的提升则导致隧道结构整体受压状态加剧。

Abstract: The design of Zhanjiang Bay Tunnel, a representative sea-crossing shield tunnel in China, is faced with several challenges including high hydraulic pressure, long distance, and durability of its segmented lining in submarine environment. This paper describes optimal designs of the lining structure of this tunnel. During its construction period, the deformation and stress response in the circumferential rebars and the tunnel segments were monitored in-situ to observe the mechanical behaviors of its lining structure under high water pressure. A detailed three-dimensional finite element modeling is developed to investigate the static behaviors of the entire segmented ring in different conditions of external water pressure and lateral coefficient of earth pressure. The results show that: (1) the stress development of reinforcement in the segmented ring can be divided into four stages and the most significant fluctuations in the rebar stress occur in the initial stage following the completion of segment assembling. (2) Both the measurements and simulations indicate that this ring structure is in a state of overall compression under high external water pressure. (3) A linear relationship between its transverse deformation and external water pressure is observed and it is greatly influenced by the lateral coefficient of earth pressure. With water pressure increasing, the deformation pattern is transformed from horizontal oval to overall inward compression. (4) In stiff strata, an increase in water pressure mitigates the tendency toward horizontal oval, while in soft strata, it aggravates overall compression of the segmented ring.

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