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水力发电学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (12): 61-68.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20171207

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  • 出版日期:2017-12-25 发布日期:2017-12-25

Dynamic analysis models for radial gates based on eigen-sensitivity optimization

  • Online:2017-12-25 Published:2017-12-25

摘要: 针对传统弧形闸门有限元模拟结果与实测数值存在误差,影响其动力特性及减振控制分析的问题,基于特征灵敏度优化的MATLAB-MSC.Patran/Nastran联合仿真,提出一种弧形闸门动力分析模型快速建模方法。主要思路是从传统静力有限元模型离散单元中,提取集中质量矩阵,以弧形闸门几何特征及动力特性为约束条件,通过软件联合调用实现质量重分布,以此得到相应的动力有限元模型。通过摄动检测、现有文献对比及实例优化表明:本文方法在保证最小改变量的情况下,只需较少的迭代步骤就可以实现精确建模。

Abstract: In design of a radial gate, conventional finite element (FE) simulations often have errors, relative to field measurements, that lower the accuracy in analysis on its dynamic behaviors and vibration reduction control. To address the problem, this paper presents a rapid method for building a dynamic analysis model of a radial gate, using MATLAB-MSC. Patran/Nastran combined simulations with eigen-sensitivity based optimization. The main idea is to extract the lumped mass matrix from the traditional static FE model and to derive the corresponding dynamic FE model under the constraints of geometric and dynamic characteristics of the gate by performing mass redistribution through a combined application call. We adopt a perturbation method to construct a target model for the main frame of the gate, and demonstrate the validity of this method by applying iterative approximation based on an eigen-sensitivity optimization approach. Furthermore, a comparison with the existing parametric optimization methods shows that our method can generate more accurate FE models of dynamic analysis while guaranteeing minimum variation. Using this approach, a FE dynamic model is constructed for a full hydroelastic radial gate according to its measured data, and calculations show that accurate modeling can be achieved with fewer iterative steps.

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