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水力发电学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (12): 39-48.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20171205

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  • 出版日期:2017-12-25 发布日期:2017-12-25

Deposition pattern and morphological process at hyperconcentrated flow confluences in upper Yellow River

  • Online:2017-12-25 Published:2017-12-25

摘要: 黄河上游交汇区为典型的高含沙水流交汇区,支流高含沙洪水往往引起剧烈的河床形态调整及冲淤变化。利用室内模型实验、野外观测资料,研究了支流高含沙洪水入汇干流后,交汇区变化过程及冲淤计算方法。研究表明,交汇区河床形态包括壅水区淤积沙坝、分离区沙洲、输水输沙主槽及分离区以下河段的沙洲等基本元素。进入交汇口上游壅水区的泥沙全部落淤,淤积量随高含沙洪水沙量的增加呈线性线增加;提出的交汇口以下河段的泥沙淤积模式,揭示了泥沙淤积的主要影响因素为支流高含沙洪水沙量、汇流比、恢复饱和系数等,支流高含沙洪水沙量的作用更为明显,该模式可以定量描述交汇口以下河段的泥沙淤积。支流高含沙洪水形成的淤积沙洲的冲刷,取决于干流洪水流量及持续时间。黄河上游交汇区的淤积沙洲,较优的冲刷流量为2000 m3/s左右,冲刷历时为10天左右。

Abstract: At the river confluences of the upper Yellow River, flows carrying hyperconcentrated sediment merge together, and in flood season the merging usually causes severe deposition and dramatic change in bed morphology. In this study, we investigate the morphological process at hyperconcentrated confluences through laboratory experiment, field observation, and theoretical analysis, and develop a new method for predicting sediment deposition at the confluences. Results show that four basic elements of the morphological pattern can be identified: sandbars in the backwater zone, sandbars in the flow separation zone, a mainstream channel for water and sediment transport, and bars downstream of the separation zone. Because of turbulent diffusion, sediment particles carried by the hyperconcentrated flows enter the backwater zone upstream of the junction, and then form sandbar deposition with a volume proportional to the sediment load. We construct a model for calculation of the sediment deposition at river confluences and reveal its main factors: sediment load and discharge ratio of the incoming flows, water discharge of the main stem, and adaption coefficient of the incoming suspended loads. This model is applicable to prediction of the deposition at asymmetrical river confluences. Scour on the sandbars caused by heperconcentrated tributary flows depends on the discharge and duration of main stem floods. For the confluences on the upper Yellow River, the most efficient flow discharge and duration for flushing the sandbars are about 2000 m3/s and 10 days respectively.

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