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水力发电学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (11): 32-41.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20171104

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  • 出版日期:2017-11-25 发布日期:2017-11-25

Reservoir ecological operation based on stochastic flow duration curves

  • Online:2017-11-25 Published:2017-11-25

摘要: 生态流量过程线使得水库生态调度考虑了径流的年内变化,然而径流的年际变化也是天然径流的重要特征。本文以引汉济渭工程的水库调度为例,利用标准化降水指数将长系列径流数据划分为典型年系列,应用随机径流历时曲线计算了相应典型年系列的生态流量,建立了包含生态流量约束的发电量最大优化调度模型。调度后的多年平均发电量在最小生态流量下为5.14亿kW?h,在适宜生态流量下为5.05亿kW?h,和工程规划的多年平均发电量5.03亿kW?h基本一致。划分典型年径流系列实施水库调度可以反映径流的年际变化。结果显示,在不同典型年基本可满足生态流量的需求,在特定年份来水特枯的情况下不满足生态需求,需要重点关注。

Abstract: Ecological flow is a key factor in reservoir ecological operation to take into account the annual variations of runoff, but its inter-annual variations are also important. This paper presents an optimal operation model for maximizing the power generating capacity of reservoirs under the constraint of ecological flow in a case study of the Han to Wei River water diversion project. In this model, the standardized precipitation index is used to divide long runoff series into typical series of different levels, and stochastic flow duration curves are used for estimation of the ecological flows of the typical series. Calculations reveal that after years of reservoir operation in the schemes optimized using the model, the average generating capacity is 514 and 505 million kW?h under the minimum and appropriate ecological flows, respectively, which agrees with the value of 503 million kW?h in the project planning. This study shows that distinguishing different typical annual runoff series in optimizing reservoir operation can reflect the effects of inter-annual variations in the river runoffs so that the optimal operation scheme for every typical year can basically meet the ecological flow demand. However, in the years of extremely low flows, it does not meet the ecological demands, which needs special attention.

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