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水力发电学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (10): 93-101.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20171010

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  • 出版日期:2017-10-25 发布日期:2017-10-25

Acute effects of TDG supersaturated water with high concentration sediment on rock carp (Procypris rabaudi)

  • Online:2017-10-25 Published:2017-10-25

摘要: 大坝泄洪水体具有泥沙浓度高且总溶解气体(Total Dissolved Gas,TDG)过饱和的特点,TDG过饱和含沙水体威胁着下游河道鱼类的生存,正成为日渐突出并日益受到广泛关注的生态环境影响之一。为进一步探讨TDG过饱和含沙水体对鱼类影响的规律,选一年龄岩原鲤幼鱼为实验对象,以中值粒径为7 μm的泥沙为实验用沙,对TDG饱和度为100%、125%、130%、135%、140%的水体,分别设置0、200、600、800、1000 mg/L的含沙量实验工况,开展含沙水体TDG过饱和的持续暴露实验。实验结果表明:岩原鲤幼鱼受TDG过饱和含沙水体胁迫时,TDG饱和度越高,含沙量越大,岩原鲤幼鱼半致死时间越小,泥沙加速了该鱼类在过饱和TDG含沙水体中的死亡,但过饱和TDG仍是引起岩原鲤死亡的主要因素。此外,TDG饱和度为100%的各含沙实验组(200 ~ 1000 mg/L)中,泥沙单独作用未造成岩原鲤幼鱼死亡。

Abstract: Excessive suspended sediment and high level supersaturation of total dissolved gas (TDG) often exist in the downstream water of a dam that is releasing flood. This threatens the survival of fish inhabiting in the water and is becoming an increasingly prominent eco-environmental issue that attracts more attention. This study conducts an acute exposure experiment and has investigated the combined effect of TDG supersaturation and sediment on rock carp (Procypris rabaudi). One-year-old rock carps and sediment with median diameter of 7 μm are tested, and sediment concentrations of 0, 200, 600, 800 and 1000 mg/L are used for each of the supersaturation levels of 125%, 130%, 135% and 140%. Results show that higher TDG supersaturation and sediment concentration leads to a shorter median lethal time of the rock carps exposed to the water. Sediment accelerates the death of rock carps in TDG supersaturated water, but supersaturated TDG plays the major role. We have observed that sediment alone did not result in the death of rock carps in all the treat groups (200-1000 mg/L) in the condition of TDG supersaturation level of 100%.

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