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水力发电学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 100-110.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20170911

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  • 出版日期:2017-09-25 发布日期:2017-09-25

Tank experiment of cooling water discharge and its numerical simulations using 2D, quasi-3D and 3D models

  • Online:2017-09-25 Published:2017-09-25

摘要: 平面二维(简称“二维”)、分层三维(简称“准三维”)和三维模型是温排水数值模拟中的重要工具,但三种模型在温排水研究中的关键参数和模拟效果还缺乏系统研究。本文以人工气象试验厅内开展的温排水水槽试验为研究对象,分别采用常用二维、准三维和真三维模型进行了数值模拟,并与水槽试验结果进行对比。研究表明:三种模型的关键敏感参数为网格精度、广义黏滞系数和广义热扩散系数。二维和三维远区模拟效果相近;浮射流近区流场和温度场的卷吸掺混三维特性明显,三种模型模拟效果存在差异:准三维模型与三维模型相比,射流动量模拟不足,水温垂向梯度偏小,回流区位置和尺寸捕捉精度略低,在温升面积、形态等方面的模拟效果差于三维模型。

Abstract: The 2D depth-averaged model, quasi-3D model and 3D model are three important types of tools for simulation of cooling water. However, quite limited yet is our understanding of the key factors affecting the outputs and performances of these models of different dimensionality. In this study, a tank experiment was conducted in an artificial meteorological room to test open channel thermal discharging, and the experimental flows were simulated separately using the three models. The simulations were compared with the measured data. This study shows that the key factors in cooling water simulation are effective viscosity, effective diffusivity, and turbulence modeling. All the three models give quite similar temperature distributions in the far-field, but for the near filed of a buoyant jet flow, the 3D model performs better than the other two, more accurately capturing the flow characteristics including circulation zones and dilution mixing. The quasi-3D model produces too small vertical temperature gradients, especially in the far field, thus less accurate than the 3D model; the 3D simulations give a better shape of temperature distributions than the quasi-3D simulations do and much better than the 2D simulations do.

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