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水力发电学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 21-30.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20170903

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  • 出版日期:2017-09-25 发布日期:2017-09-25

Non-cooperative game dispatching of regional power grid with wind, thermal and pumped storage power plants

  • Online:2017-09-25 Published:2017-09-25

摘要: 当今电力市场开放程度显著提高,发电厂作为调度中的直接利益主体将拥有更大的自主权。调度时,如何采用最优策略平衡发电厂间的利益是当前亟需解决的问题。本文考虑风电利用率约束,基于非合作博弈理论建立了区域电网调度模型,其中风、火、抽蓄电站作为三个参与博弈的独立主体,综合考虑各类电厂的出力特性,以三个参与者各自的收益最大作为优化目标,机组出力策略作为决策空间,并提出了该模型对应的Nash均衡求解算法。算例仿真结果表明,本文提出的调度模型存在Nash均衡解,模型能够适应典型电网负荷情景下风、火、抽蓄电站的日常调度工作,调度中利益分配均衡度提高了3.5% ~ 6.7%,利益分配稳定程度显著提高;利益均衡相同时,风电的上网电量增加2.84% ~ 3%。

Abstract: In today’s increasingly open power market, power generation enterprises, as the direct interest body in the dispatching process, will have greater autonomy. For dispatching a regional power grid, how to use an optimal strategy to balance the benefits among the power plants connected to it is a key issue to be settled. In this work, a power system dispatching model of three independent game participants ? wind farms, thermal power plants and pumped storage hydropower stations ? was developed using the non-cooperative game theory and considering constraints of wind power utilization. It adopts a decision space balancing the output strategies among the participants and optimizes each participant’s profit. To solve the dispatching model, a Nash equilibrium algorithm was constructed to comprehensively consider different characteristics of power plant outputs of various types. Calculations show that this model can generate Nash equilibrium solutions to the problems of daily dispatching for a power system with power plants of the three types in different scenarios. And in a case study, it achieved an increase of 3.2% - 6.2% in the parties’ interest balance degrees and significantly improve the stability of their interests; in the condition of the same interest balance, it achieved an increase of 2.8% - 3.0% in wind power output.

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