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水力发电学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (8): 113-120.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20170813

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  • 出版日期:2017-08-25 发布日期:2017-08-25

Performance analysis and comprehensive evaluation of wave energy power generation devices

  • Online:2017-08-25 Published:2017-08-25

摘要: 波浪能发电装置种类繁多,不同类型装置各具优势。为了综合对比各种装置的性能,为进一步的深入研究提供思路,该文从装置效率、可靠性、对环境的影响等几个不同角度,对现有的多种波浪能装置进行了对比分析;然后基于层次分析法原理,构建了多指标的综合评价模型,并利用该模型对几种装置进行全面分析。结果表明:摆式及浮子式波浪能发电装置综合性能较优,适用范围较广。

Abstract: There are many kinds of wave energy generating devices, and different types of devices have their own advantages. In order to comprehensively compare the performance of different devices and provide ideas for further in-depth study, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the existing various wave energy devices from several different angles, such as the efficiency, reliability, and the influence on the environment. Then, based on the principle of analytic hierarchy process, a comprehensive evaluation model of multi index is constructed, and a comprehensive analysis is carried out on several devices by using this model. The results show that the tilting and float type wave energy power generation devices have better comprehensive performance and wide application range.

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