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水力发电学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 74-82.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20170708

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  • 出版日期:2017-07-25 发布日期:2017-07-25

Effects of changes in water levels on power output and stability of tubular turbine sets

  • Online:2017-07-25 Published:2017-07-25

摘要: 水轮发电机组发电的能量主要取决于上下游形成的水势能,而贯流式水轮机属于无库容调节形式,坝前水位及尾水位随流量的变化较大,机组出力及稳定性随水位的变化更加复杂。本文以贯流式水轮发电机组为研究对象,针对存在的问题进行流场分析发现,随着水位变化,流道内形成的偏心涡带是造成转轮室工况恶化的原因.随着水头的增大,流动正环量增加,机组出力随之增大,而通过改变坝前水位与尾水位,可改善机组稳定性及出力。此现象在试验中得到验证。

Abstract: As the convertible energy of a hydroelectric generating set depends largely on the potential energy of its head water relative to tail water, reservoir stage and tail water level are major factors influencing its output capacity and running stability, especially for a tubular turbine that, working in the condition of relatively small potential energy differences, is more sensitive to variation in power output and stability of the water levels. In this work, we simulated and analysed the flows in a tubular turbine working by the design operation curve. Results show that the reservoir stage and tail water level are major factors that affect its power output at fixed working conditions, and that by adjusting them the output can be improved considerably. In addition, by adjusting both the flow structures inside the turbine and these water levels, the stability of the turbine set can be enhanced. The conclusion has been verified using in-situ measurements.

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